January 29, 2012

Social media

Holy cow!  It seems like a major part of being an illustrator is slutting around social media sites.  Today I set up a Behance account and a Facebook page.  I updated my LinkedIn and Google+ account, as well.  I even linked some of that stuff to my Twitter account so I can show off there too.  Oh and I have a Coroflot page.  Dear lord...  I feel like I'm forgetting something.  I hope all this hard work pays off in the near future.

With all the updating, I found a couple illustrations that I haven't shared on here yet...

80's Television Poster.  Since I'm much older than my classmates, they didn't get it. But my instructor did.  Hah, am I really that old?!

Here is my Goodnight Moon cover with a few more revisions.  I really want to move the balloon down.  You know what they say, art is never completely finished.

This was a 'Hero Shot' assignment.  Robocat brought you a gift!

Crazy assignment restrictions: must have a spatula, must have 3 figures and must have an America reference.  (This illustration was almost going to be Paula Dean flying on a stick of butter with a spatula in her hand!)

Have you ever read Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut.  At the end of the book, Dwayne Hoover spits Kilgore Trouts finger into the river.  If you haven't read the book, then you definitely should.  (Random fact: Kurt Vonnegut and I have the same birthday (and Leo DiCaprio too)

January 24, 2012

January 12, 2012

This is my latest side project...  it feels like I've been working on it forever.  I started on this a few weeks before Christmas.  Due not owning Illustrator and my sheer laziness after an 8 hour day in the "real world" (oh and my New Years Resolution to learn all the countries of the world), I've been slacking on this.  It probably doesn't help that I will never get a grade for it.  Needless to say, a lot more detail will be going into this bad boy.  But I like where it's headed.